Kingdom Fungi: Definition, Characteristics, & Examples

Fungi itself according to Tainter and Baker fungi is a microorganism that does not contain chlorophyll in their structure. Fungi itself does not develop by forming roots, stems, and leaves as well as on plants that looks high.

1. Characteristics of fungi (mushrooms)

a. Fungi are a eukaryotic organism that is, in which the cells have a cell wall composed of chitin. Fungi do not have chlorophyll so that he is heterotroph and his life as a parasite, saprophyte, or also mutual example, lichens.
b. There are unicellular fungi (called yeasts) and there is also a multicellular. Multicellular fungi are composed of threads of hyphae that form as webbing, called mycelium. No fungal hyphae on the sectional (septum) da tones are not insulated (aseptum) and have a lot of core called senositik. The mycelium can be divided into vegetative mycelium (to absorb food) and mycelium generative (for reproduction).
c. Reproduction of fungi itself vegetatively by carapembentukan bud (in yeast), fragmentation, and the formation of asexual spores (such sporangiophores or konidiospora). While fungi are generative reproduction is the formation of sexual spores (zigospora, ascospores and basidiospores) conducted singami (ie the union of different hyphae jens).

d. Fungi habitat is on land (terrestrial) and damp in places.

2. Classification and role of fungi

Based sexual spores can be produced, fungi can be divided into three division: Zygomycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota. Fungi that sexual reproduction is unknown can be grouped into Deuteromycota.

a. Zygomycota can produce sexual spores and spores aseksualnya zigospora sporangiophores. Zygomycota has hyphae that are not insulated (senositik). As for some examples Zygoomycota among others Rhizopus oryzae (instrumental in the production of tempeh), Rhizopus stolonifer (can damage the bread), Rhizopus nigricans (damaging the fruit), Mucor javanicus (instrumental in the production of Tapai), Mucor mucedo, and Pilobolus (act as decomposers).
b. Ascomycota can produce sexual spores called ascospores produced by the ascus formed in fruiting bodies called askokarp, while the spore form of konidiospora aseksualnya. Ascomycota have insulated hyphae. As an example of Ascomycota itself, among others, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (used as a developer of bread and also for the manufacture of a minimum alcoholic), Aspergillus wentii (used for the manufacture of soy sauce), Penicillium chrysogenum (for the manufacture of antibiotics), Saccharomcyces ellipsoideus (instrumental in the making of wine), Neurospora sitophila (instrumental in making oncom), Ventura inaequalis (damaging apple), and Claviceps purpurea (ergot can cause disease in wheat).
c. Basidiomycota can produce sexual spores basidiospora terbantuk in fruiting bodies called basidiokarp. Basidiomycota have insulated hyphae. As a few examples, among others Basidiomcyota Auricularia polytricha (mushroom), Volvariella volvacea (mushroom), Puccinia graminis (rusts that may be parasite on maize and wheat), and Amanita muscaria (can cause hallucinations when eaten).
d. Deuteromycota is kolompok fungi (mushrooms) are not known sexual spores. If the sexual spores can be identified, then the fungi in this group will be reclassified. For example, Monilia sitophila (oncom fungi) can be transformed into Neurospora crassa after known to produce ascospores in sexual reproduction.

3. Moss crust and Mycorrhizae

a. Lichens are symbiotic mutualism between fungi (Ascomycota or Basidiomycota) with monera (Cyanobacteria). Fungi derive nutrition from the photosynthesis performed Cyanobacteria, whereas water Cyanobacteria derive from the presence of fungi.
b. Mycorrhiza is a symbiosis of mutualism between fungi with the roots of higher plants. Fungi obtain organic material of the host plants, while the plants get water and minerals are absorbed by the fungus.

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