Classification of Living Things

The diversity of living things on earth are very diverse and the longer multiply, of course diversity also increases. With the existence of living beings whose numbers millions that's how we're going to learn? To study the living creatures, human beings trying to simplify life by classifying living things is based on the traits possessed.

In the group that has the same characteristics that must be found again differences. Then formed groups of smaller based on the equation traits possessed, so that would be obtained the smallest group with the same characteristic equation. Grouping the study of living things with a certain system called classification or taxonomy. More details, see the explanation of the classification of living things based on the following characteristics!

In the 18th century Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778), a biologist from Sweden introduced a classification based on structural similarity. Living beings who have the same body structure is placed in a single group. When in a group found differences, then separated into smaller groups again and so on. This results in each small group has the characteristic equation. In this way, the creatures that exist on the surface of the earth is divided into two (2) large groups of the living world, namely: the animal or plant world or Animalia and Plantae. Furthermore, each world will be divided into smaller groups called taxa-taxa. Animal world will be divided into taxon-taxon as follows:

a. Kingdom or empire.
b. Phyla.
c. Class or classes.
d. The Order or the nation.
e. Familia or tribe.
f. Genus or clan.
g. Species or type.

In the plant world is divided into taxon-taxon as follows:
a. Kingdom or empire.
b. Division.
c. Class or classes.
d. The Order or the nation.
e. Familia or tribe.
f. Genus or clan.
g. Species or type.

Moreover, in the classification of living things using a system called the Binomial System Nomenclature (double name system). In the binomial nomenclature system has rules as follows:

    Species consists of two words, the first word indicates the genus and the second word indicates the nature of the specifications.
    The first word begins with a capital letter and the second word in lowercase.
    Using the Latin or scientific or language dilatinkan with italicized or underlined.

Example: Name of species Bananas; Musa paradisiaca L
Genus: Musa
Species: paradisiaca
Offender identifiers by Linnaeus shortened by L

Some reasons for using the classification of the Latin, because:

    So that there is no mistake in identifying living things because there is no living creature name exactly the   same.
    The scientific name is rarely changed.
    The scientific name is written in the same language around the world.

According RH.Whittaker supported by many biologists, in 1969 developed a classification of living things using the five-kingdom system as follows:
1. Monera
2. Protists
3. Fungi
4. Plantae
5. Animalia

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